

public Bool set_data (PixelFormat format, int rowstride, uint8 data, int level) throws Error

texture a Texture.

Sets all the pixels for a given mipmap level by copying the pixel data pointed to by the data argument into the given texture.

data should point to the first pixel to copy corresponding to the top left of the mipmap level being set.

If rowstride equals 0 then it will be automatically calculated from the width of the mipmap level and the bytes-per-pixel for the given format.

A mipmap level of 0 corresponds to the largest, base image of a texture and level 1 is half the width and height of level 0. If dividing any dimension of the previous level by two results in a fraction then round the number down ( floor), but clamp to 1 something like this:

 next_width = MAX (1, floor (prev_width));

You can determine the number of mipmap levels for a given texture like this:

 n_levels = 1 + floor (log2 (max_dimension));

Where max_dimension is the larger of get_width and get_height.

It is an error to pass a level number >= the number of levels that texture can have according to the above calculation.

<note>Since the storage for a Texture is allocated lazily then if the given texture has not previously been allocated then this api can return false and throw an exceptional throws if there is not enough memory to allocate storage for texture. </note>



the PixelFormat used in the source data buffer.


rowstride of the source data buffer (computed from the texture width and format if it equals 0)


the source data, pointing to the first top-left pixel to set


The mipmap level to update (Normally 0 for the largest, base texture)


true if the data upload was successful, and false otherwise