

public void draw_textured_rectangles (Pipeline pipeline, float[] coordinates, uint n_rectangles)

Draws a series of rectangles to this with the given pipeline state in the same way that draw_textured_rectangle does.

<note>The position is the position before the rectangle has been transformed by the model-view matrix and the projection matrix. </note>

This is a high level drawing api that can handle any kind of MetaTexture texture such as Texture2DSliced textures which may internally be comprised of multiple low-level textures. This is unlike low-level drawing apis such as draw which only support low level texture types that are directly supported by GPUs such as Texture2D.

The top left corner of the first rectangle is positioned at (coordinates[0], coordinates[1]) and the bottom right corner is positioned at (coordinates[2], coordinates[3]). The top left texture coordinate is (coordinates[4], coordinates[5]) and the bottom right texture coordinate is (coordinates[6], coordinates[7]). The coordinates for subsequent rectangles are defined similarly by the subsequent coordinates.

As a general rule for better performance its recommended to use this this API instead of calling draw_textured_rectangle separately for multiple rectangles if all of the rectangles will be drawn together with the same pipeline state.

The given texture coordinates should always be normalized such that (0, 0) corresponds to the top left and (1, 1) corresponds to the bottom right. To map an entire texture across the rectangle pass in tex_coords[0]=0, tex_coords[1]=0, tex_coords[2]=1, tex_coords[3]=1.

<note>Even if you have associated a TextureRectangle texture which normally implies working with non-normalized texture coordinates this api should still be passed normalized texture coordinates.</note>



A destination Framebuffer


A Pipeline state object


an array containing groups of 8 float values: [x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, s_1, t_1, s_2, t_2] that have the same meaning as the arguments for draw_textured_rectangle.


number of rectangles to coordinates to draw